Posted in Personal Stories

Thank You For Showing Us The Love…

When teams are in the Mole, I ask for their camera cards at night so I can upload pictures to our ministry blog. I actually love doing this because I get to see how their day went – what types of things they were doing – how they ministered to our community that day…..and  it makes me feel like I traveled right there beside them on their journey.

I always laugh when I see all the pictures of the goats, pigs, chickens, & cows that are in EVERYONE’s camera roll! It’s like you guys don’t see them walking around the towns you live in or something! Crazy! 🙂

The other thing I truly enjoy is seeing how much you love on our children! I see it in the goofy faces you make with them, the way you flip my kids over your shoulders, the way you hug and squeeze them, & quite simply…..the way you show them your love. Teams have such a huge impact on all the children here…..especially mine.  As missionaries who are often far away from our families and friends……you have no idea how encouraging your visits are to all of us.

So here are a few of my favorite pictures that I found on YOUR cameras over the past 8 days…..


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

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