Posted in Personal Stories

People From Ohio….

So I have been building a Top 10 List of Stupid Things People From Ohio Say To Pregnant Women but it looks like I won’t be back to Ohio before I have the babies. So I thought I would go ahead and share a few.

I spent part of January and early February in Commercial Point, OH. This was when I thought we were having a boy and a girl – but we weren’t sure. I was out a lot with my sister as this was before all the blackouts and pregnancy problems.

There were a few REPEAT offenders who were on my lists last year and a few new ones.

I’m explaining to a lady that we’re pregnant with twins and about how we have all our other children. I told them they all have different fathers. I should have learned from last year that you don’t tell people in Ohio that! She looks at my belly and says – Will they have different fathers?? — – Hmm…. Now I know on Days of Our LIves that Sammy had a set of twins and they each had a different dad – – but never really heard of that outside of a soap opera!

I’m talking to a lady at the super market that was apart of my top 10 list from last summer. She sees all of my kids – both black and white. I told her it’s like we have a rainbow of colors in our family with our Haitian children, Gabriel which looks a little spanish, but then Malaya who is whiter than me. We’re making small chit chat. I told her we’re having Twins but were not quite sure what we’re having! (I’m talking the sex of the baby). She says – That must be unreal – not knowing what color they’ll be. – – – Hmm……not what I was meaning when I said I didn’t know what we’re having! Now my sister said to this lady’s defense – there was an article about a British couple that had a set of twins and one was black and one was white. Maybe she just read that article!!

I explain to a lady (who was on my top 10 list last summer) that a lot of people think we’re having a boy and a girl! Somehow she missed that I said we were having “twins”. Her eyes got really big and she said – – I’ve heard about that. Oh my GOD- how will you know how to raise it? – – – – – – -Okay I’m not having one baby that is a boy and a girl – but two babies. I guess that really would have been interesting!

I run into an old friend from my sister’s church- I tell her we’re pregnant. She says – Oh good! You know with all the Holidays and winter months – people get really depressed. I thought you just gained “all that weight” from that!! – OUCH! Way to kick me when I’m down!

I’m complaining about how crappy I feel and the man I’m sitting next to looks at me and says – You know – you brought this all on yourself!! – – – Thanks – I needed to hear that! That man was actually JOSE!!! 🙂 Believe me – I’ll remember that comment a few months from now!

Posted in Personal Stories

Baby Shower Cancelled…..Postponed

After seeing my cardiologist this week – there is about a 90% chance I will be admitted into the hospital full time next week. Doesn’t seem like a good time for a baby shower although I’m touched by the gesture and by those of you who were planning to participate! It would probably be wiser to have it AFTER the babies come – with all my health drama! So if you bought a gift – DON’T TAKE IT BACK!! LOL!!!

Posted in NW_Baby Orphanage, Personal Stories

Baby Orphanage Needs…

Although it seems like my family has our own baby orphanage – it’s not nearly as big as the one the mission has! It has been my dream to house 50 babies there on the compound. When I went to nursing school – I majored in pediatrics. I was 9 years old the first time a little child died in my arms. It completely changed my life.

I’ve had over 17 children die in my presence (most in my home). That was just from the 2 years I ran the pediatric clinic at the mission. I will never forget my first day as a “real nurse” in Haiti. One mother who came to me – her child in 3rd-degree malnutrition – too weak to eat and completely swollen. Her breaths were shallow and I knew she wouldn’t live through the night. It was just too late. The mother asked me – What could she do? I told her – – – just hold her and sing to her. Soon she’d be with Jesus……. We buried her that next morning.

The stories are all different but the results are all the same. I’ve seen WAY too many caskets – all less than 2 feet long. Most deaths  could have been prevented with a little medicine and a few bottles of formula. Right now we have around 20 children. We have room for more – but not the funds to complete the buildings. I’d also love to have a Baby Care Program that could be an extension of the baby orphanage offering formula/meds to help more children when we run out of room. If you look on the mission website – or on Vickie’s Website (both listed on the side of this post) you can find out how to help change the lives of precious little babies throughout the hills of the northwest.

Here is also a link directly to the Baby Orphanage Needs List: Baby Orphanage Needs

Posted in NW_Personal Ministry Update, Personal Stories

Do You Know Where Jesus Is?

So Malaya had her Easter party at school today. She goes to school at Woodford Community Church. She had all kinds of eggs that she collected on her hunt, an egg she painted, pictures she colored, etc. She couldn’t wait to show me everything. 

So she shows me this picture she water-painted. It’s Jesus’ tomb and there are two women standing outside of it.

I asked Malaya, “When did you paint this?”
She responded, “Tomorrow”.

I laughed and told her you couldn’t have painted it tomorrow because it’s already done. Then I asked her what the picture was about.

She told me, ” Jesus died on the cross – BUT – He’s not there anymore”.
I asked her if He was in the picture with the empty tomb.
She said, “NO – He’s not there”.
I asked her – “WHERE IS HE?”

She put her hand on her hip……thought a little bit……then said, “ACTUALLY, I DON’T KNOW!”

I told her I thought Jesus was in Heaven. Malaya looked at me and shook her head. She said, “NO –  Jesus is in our heart – and mommy – you supposed to know that already”.

Then she ripped her papers out of my hand and told me she’d teach me more later……

Posted in Personal Stories

The Kids Continue to Surprise Me….

Gabriel was sitting on my lap tonight. I actually have a hospital bed in my home. So he likes to sit on it and push the buttons. I kept feeling something “hard” in his diaper. Afraid to look   – I told Jose to go get a diaper and wipes. 

Gabriel moves so much when you change him so I told Jose to hold his feet and when I pulled down his diaper we both laughed. Don’t have a clue HOW or WHY – but we found an action hero in his diaper. This isn’t one of those little army men – no – no. Here is a picture of it:


The girls are getting ready to have their Easter Parties at school. Rosie kept telling me she had to bring something for her teacher. The note said to bring 12 candy-filled eggs. I had Jose go out and get some and when he opened up her backpack to put the eggs in it – we found a freshly melted popsicle! She said she was going to take that to her teacher tomorrow! Luckily it didn’t get all over the backpack but she’s a funny little girl. We have learned the hard way to check her backpack frequently. She’ll take ANYTHING to school with her!

Posted in Personal Stories

MRI and Overnight at Hospital

Sunday morning I blacked out and hit my head on the tub! I went to the hospital where they did another MRI (even though I just did one last month). There is a pretty good-sized knot on the back of my head and of course it was pounding. The hardest part was trying to lay flat in the machine. They had to pull me out several times during the MRI scan just because I was so nauseated. My OB doctor wasn’t there or on-call. So I saw another doctor. I had the neurologist and cardiologist in to see me within an hour of arriving. I’m on some new medication and I have more follow-up visits this week. 

I figured this was it – I would be here in the hospital for good now. I guess since it wasn’t my OB doctor – they didn’t really think a lot about it. I was discharged this morning with no effort to even ask me to stay. I’m very sore and still very overwhelmed – but I can’t believe they let me out before Easter. I keep thinking if I can just get through Easter at home with the kids – then I don’t care what they do to me. Today I didn’t even have to state my case.

I can’t say that I feel much better than the last time I blogged – but I am lucky that I wasn’t more seriously injured. My list of things I’m allowed to do on my own keeps getting smaller and smaller. I already have to have someone walk me to the bathroom – to the couch – up the steps of my house  – to my bed – to the porch to sit and watch the kids play- etc. I guess now I’ll have to shower with them too!! LOL!

Posted in Personal Stories

I Just Can’t _____ Anymore!

Fill in the blank with just about any verb  and I think it describes where I’m at right now. The last few days have been extremely rough. Having blacked out 3 times since I was discharged on Friday and having a horrible headache that not even my narcotics can get rid of – I have spent the majority of the time in tears.  I gave up the ghost and went to the hospital last night and spent a good part of the night in the ER where my OB doctor happened to be on call – which NEVER happens at night. I managed to escape early this morning without being admitted as he told me once he does – I’m in for good. However our encounter was not a very good one. We got into a discussion about my activities and health and did not see eye to eye – that’s for sure. As much as I was glad to see him at first- when it was over – I wished I would have just seen whoever was on call. 

There’s not much more they can do for me while I’m pregnant. I feel like I’m beginning to dig a hole I can’t get out of. CUE THE VIOLINS – –  I don’t sleep, I can’t eat, I have bruises from my falls, my head pounds, its a struggle just to breathe and lay comfortably and I’m just not sure I can ______ anymore. 

My blog is a little bit of a roller coaster is it not? I’m laughing one minute and sad the next! I’m blaming it on hormones! I think I will wait to blog again once the Hills and Curves aren’t so steep and sharp!

Thanks for your prayers and support. We love you!