Posted in NW_Personal Ministry Update, Personal Stories

God Can Do What He Says He Can Do…

Our women’s bible study is doing the book of Daniel. It was the first time I’ve ever participated in a Beth Moore study. I found myself wanting to go deeper – especially with our new move on the way. So I also got another Bible Study called Believing God. I do it in the mornings and Daniel in the evenings.

One of the things I’ve been studying this past week is just how amazing our Creator is. We all know He “spoke” and it was created. But I never quite looked at our existence as human beings this way before: If God wanted to – He could have just spoke it – and we would be here. But God wanted to get His hands involved. God formed our bodies with HIS VERY OWN HANDS. He was willing to get His hands dusty for us.

Did you even think about that? We all know he took dust from the ground to create Adam. I’m not telling you something you didn’t already know. Here’s the point –  did you realize that He didn’t need to do that? He could have simply spoken but He didn’t.  He wanted to have a personal connection with us. I don’t know. For some reason when I studied this I was just completely blown away that our God was so willing to get his hands dirty just so He can have a personal relationship with us. To truly be hands-on in our creation!

I have spent the last several days just thinking about the sin in my life. All the ugliness that happens in this world – caused by man – yet God chose US of all things as His precious jewels. He chose to be actively involved in our creation process.  Our purpose in this life is engagement. To engage with our Heavenly Father. He didn’t just speak us into existence – He lovingly used His hands to form us.

As if that weren’t enough to leave me speechless – as I was reading this paragraph I found myself in tears and in complete awe of my father in Heaven.

God knew enough to choose the womb where He would place His fearfully and wonderfully fashion of you. God hid you in a blanket of soft tissue and bid your heart to beat. For many days – HE ALONE knew you existed. YOU WERE HIS SECRET. God’s own skillful hands knit you together. His watchful eyes gazed on you. His wise counsel ordained each of your days before you squinted from the light of your first. Long before technology ordered the first sonogram, God watched you suck your thumb in your mother’s womb. In all our imperfections – we are the perfect blend of His finest works.  – Beth Moore

Does that not make you want to weep before your father? I immediately thought back to my last pregnancy. I always thought First Reponse was the first ones to know!! LOL! I never even thought about us being God’s secret. This past pregnancy was a surprise to say the least for my family. I read that and pictured God having this little secret about Asher and Levi. He already gazed upon them before I ever knew they were there. He already ordained each of their days. I spent 92 days in the hospital. I spent weeks getting shots and IVs to keep the babies from coming early. There were moments where my faith was tested and I cried out wondering where my Creator was? Little did I realize – He was right there – gazing down and ordaining the days of my precious little boys.

As I am studying about faith – preparing for what lies ahead – I have realized a few things. Faith unchallenged is faith stifled. Believers who refuse to be challenged may have a stand of faith – but they may not have a walk of Faith. Galatians 5:35 says – “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit”. We must keep moving with our God.

“Do not fear the conflict. Do not flee it. Where there is no struggle, there is no virtue. Where love and faith are not tempted, it is not possible to be sure whether they are really present. They are tried and revealed in adversity, in difficult and grievous circumstances.” — St. John Chrysostom

I am convinced that our Creator is bigger than we will ever stretch our faith to conceive. Faith is the primary means by which we place our hand in the outstretched hand of God and join Him. It’s a little intimidating sometimes to give Him our hand. It means we have to let go of what we think we know – stop living by sight – and really walk like we believe that – God can do what He says He can do.


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

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