Posted in Mission Stories, Personal Stories

Praying For A Little Miracle…

Just now, a member of our church brought his pregnant wife to our house. She was in a lot of pain and a lot of distress. The baby’s hand was “out”. The nearest hospital/birthing center is over an hour away on rough, rocky roads. The mother has already lost a lot of blood. We just sent them on the back of a truck! I cannot even imagine. Even in the best of circumstances  – many women in Haiti die during childbirth.

Please keep this family in your prayers tonight. Pray that this tiny little baby will actually meet her momma.


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

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