Posted in Personal Stories

Mole Women’s Conference 2013…

This week I would like for you to pray for our upcoming Women’s Conference! My parents and Magdala are headed this way on Thursday. The conference will begin on Friday and ends Sunday night. My mom and I will speak Friday & Saturday Morning, Magdala will lead the ladies on a prayer walks in the afternoons, and we will hold a revival each night!

Please pray that God will begin to soften and open the hearts of those ladies who will be attending this weekend. Please pray for our Women’s Bible Study Group who will be hosting this event. Please pray for safety for our special Evangelist coming from Gonaives to help lead our revival.

Please pray that we will have 3 days without rain! It has rained almost every day for the last two weeks. Please pray for our musicians  – that we will feel the very presence of God as we worship. Please pray for God’s wisdom as we speak – that it will be HIS words flowing from our mouths. Please pray for our health! There is a nasty virus going around this week that is taking its toll on our staff and kids.

Please pray that we will not have any generator issues! Almost every revival we have – something happens with the power or the speakers! There is no doubt that satan does NOT want the people to HEAR the Word of God. Pray that our ladies will walk away from this conference with a better understanding of who Jesus is and what He has done for them. Pray that those who participate can say with confidence that this weekend was a life-changing and true uplifting experience.

The theme of our conference comes from our study on James. 

James 3:9-12

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

One thought on “Mole Women’s Conference 2013…

  1. Please know our prayers are with you for your upcoming conference ! Good health, good weather and a cooperative generator are at the top of the list…do not worry just give this time to Jesus and He will make sure you have everything you need. Continued prayers & blessings from Savannah, GA USA.
    Kelly Hunt

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