Posted in Personal Stories

Are Your Ears Tingling?

10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel! ”Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 11 And the Lord said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle.  I Sam. 3:10-11


As a child my Mamaw would tell me that if my ear was itching, someone was talking about me. I started thinking about that during my devotional time. I even looked up the old wives’ tale and found out that if it is your right ear that itches then good things are being said about you. However, if it is the left ear, it’s the opposite.


With that being said, I want to admit right now that if you have been needing to scratch behind your right ear, it’s probably my fault. My husband and I have been talking and praising the Lord for your generosity towards our family. If however it’s your left ear- – you should probably call your mother-in-law! HA! HA! But I digress…


My real point in writing you at this time is to simply ask if your ears are tingling regarding the Castillo Ministry? We feel we are on the brink of an amazing undertaking in our ministry but as we look at our current support we’ve actually been down $450 per month for the last couple of months. As in 1 Samuel 3, we hear the Lord calling us into greater ministry and yet as we answer the call we find our finances waning. We just wanted to check the temperature of the water – and see if your ears are tingling – and if you still sense the Lord’s leading in this ministry.


As you pray, we would covet that you bring our family’s ministry before the Lord asking for his direction and for financial peace for us. We have never looked at financial deficit as a deterrent from Kingdom Work however we do want to make sure we are walking in the Supernatural manifestation of the Spirit with our plans and not the natural want-to of a head strong Castillo 🙂