Posted in Personal Stories

Just a little girl…

I must say – I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few weeks working in my clinic. I forgot how much I missed the day-to-day interactions that come along with providing medical care.

There are days that I can’t help but chuckle!  There is always a funny story or situation that causes me to laugh! 

I had the sweetest elderly man come to me two weeks ago with dizziness. I checked his blood pressure and it was 155/95.  For the first time I actually had BP medications. So I placed him on Lisinopril. Yesterday he came back to me and was reporting that the dizziness had come back. I took his blood pressure but it was normal. I asked him if he had done anything different. He told me, “No, I don’t think so.  In fact, I’ve been feeling so good I’m evening drinking rum again!” I asked him if he thought it could be the alcohol making him dizzy and you could see him really reflect, “Hmm….maybe!”

There are days where I can’t help but blush or flinch!

I forget sometimes how non-modest my patients can be. I will let a patient in and briefly talk to someone on the porch –  only to come in and find them totally exposed waiting to show me something!! They have no trouble whipping things out for me to look at! I always tease them  – ALL they had to do was TELL ME they had a sore or bump. I don’t always need to SEE IT!! HA! HA! HA! HA!!

There are days where love abounds – as I watch the interaction between a father and his child. 

There are times that I see precious daddies bringing in their little sick babies. I love to see how gently they hold them and how truly concerned they are. I’ve watched some really beautiful bonds and seen pure loving embraces. I have a sweet papa who brings his 1-month-old baby to me every week wanting me to see if the little sores on her body are getting better. He’ll ask me a dozen times if she’s going to be okay.

Then there are days like today – where sorrow breaks down my clinic doors and flash floods my heart. 

There was a precious little girl who came to my clinic today all by herself. I asked her how old she was and she told me she was 9 years old.  I told her she was too little for me to see by herself and to go get her mom or dad. She put her head down and said that her parents were busy. I told her that I would open my clinic at any time. So as soon as one of her parents were free she can come back to see me.

As I went to escort her out of the clinic she said, “Wait. Please. I am in pain. It really hurts.”

Trembling she begins to explain to me where she hurts and shows me her sores & lesions.  She wouldn’t tell me her name. She told me she was ashamed. I asked her if a man in her family did this  – and she immediately put her head down.

As tears flowed down her cheeks – tears flooded down my face. This brave little girl came to my clinic alone. The beautiful little girl has experienced pain that no child should ever experience. This precious little girl was robbed of her innocence and scarred in all ways.

She’s just a little girl  – with the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen.

With pigtails & purple barrettes – and the most beautiful brown eyes.

With raggedy shorts & shirt  – and dirty green flip-flops.

A child of the living God – the daughter of the only King.

Tonight I’m on my knees  – circling the children of the Mole –  overwhelmed – confused – irate – broken –  weeping – desperate – before my Lord…..


We are missionaries with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. We have devoted our lives to serving His kingdom in the country of Haiti. We have 11 children and a thirst for an intimate relationship with our Creator. There may be a lot of drama on the battlefield but one thing is for sure.....There's Never A Dull Moment!

2 thoughts on “Just a little girl…

  1. Oh, Jody! I wish I were still there — don’t know what I’d do except to cry with you! I’ll continue to pray with you that God will put in front of you a plan to address the horrible evil you have to deal with each day–both this and some of the other issues we talked about. It’s just almost beyond my comprehension! Know that you are loved, appreciated and surrounded by prayer and God’s covenant promises for a heaven that won’t have ANY of these evils! If you need help and can think of a plan, I’ll be glad to launch a campaign for some help from here and Mt. Byrd. We will be praying because I’ll share this story beginning tomorrow at my small group Bible Study!

    PS……On a totally different note — I an RUINED!!!! First Class/Business was a great experience! I actually went into the airport rest room and tried to get the insect repellent washed off and my shiny nose covered it with some powder, brushed my teeth and put on a bit of lip color! I still had my muddy suitcase (They had cleaned the bed of the truck so nicely, but it was still wet….lol!) and dusty shoes, but they didn’t kick me out! I HAVE to figure out SOME way to get to fly like that again. I almost think my husband might agree to fly places with me with that kind of accommodation! *THANK YOU* for arranging that for us! Of course Angela has had that experience MANY times, so it was no biggie to her, but it was an “education” for me!

    Love you and yours! k

  2. Jody, am right on my knees with you sister. Just as i hear you cry out, i know Jesus does too and He will make all right one day. Until then, He walks with us hand in hand and asks us to be brave and hang on. Just like you do.

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