Posted in Personal Stories

Essence of Jesus…

The last two days I have had a non-stop migraine. So last night, Jose surprised me and bought some lavender candles! He filled the tub up with bubbles and had a cold glass of milk (my favorite) waiting for me.

Oddly enough – we did not have a match in the entire house! There was no way to light the candles. So I sat in darkness. Such is life…

As I was sitting there in the dark though – I started reflecting. I might have the prettiest candles  – the best smelling candles – but if I can’t light them – what use are they?

I started thinking about my fellow Haitian friends and acquaintances. Were they sitting in darkness with me at that moment?

We know that Jesus is the light and we’ve moved to the Mole to be that light. BUT –  in “their” eyes – are we simply a candle without a match? You see if we show them anything less than JESUS – we are just that – a simple, flameless candle.

I’ve been praying for the hearts of those in the Mole – that they’d be open to receiving the word of God. There is a heaviness in my soul – knowing that so many have no idea that there is a way out of darkness. Or how beautiful the light could be.

I feel like God is telling me: We can’t  just offer them the smells and beauty  – the “essence” –  of Jesus. But we’re to offer them the wholeness of Jesus. If there is any part of us that isn’t real and genuine – we are going to leave them sitting in the dark.  Not because we don’t have the lantern – but because we can’t find the spark….