Posted in Personal Stories

Update On Rosie…

Yesterday we officially got Rosie’s results. We were hoping for a miracle but the preliminary results stayed true. Some of the basics we learned:

1) Rosie rates in the 1st percentile on the learning curve. Normal would be the 50th percentile.

2) Rosie will probably never get past a 5th grade level and it will more than likely take her 10 years to get there.

3) She has significant brain damage not just on the right side of her brain but scattered through-out. It’s like all the parts are there but many of the connection wires are missing. So her brain struggles to communicate within itself.

4) Right now only those of us who really know her can tell that she’s slower than her sisters. As she gets old the gap will get bigger and eventually Gabriel and the twins will pass her.

5) They tested her IQ on many different levels and subjects. Normal rating would be 10. All her scores were in the 2’s and 3’s.

6) If we were in the states he would suggest homeschooling her! So we already have the best situation possible for her since Beth teaches our kids. He gave us a list of things for Miss Beth to do in order to create the best learning environment for her.

7) Rosie’s emotions are also effected. This is why she has attachment issues and is super sensitive and cries easily. He gave us some guidelines to help deal with that as well.

He told us that he’s never seen a child with this much delay still have their memory intact. That alone is amazing. While the seizures can cause her to be distracted some – she actually can sit still for long periods of time. Both of those things pleasantly surprised him and was very positive.

He told us she’s one of the sweetest little girls he’s ever met and not to give up on her!  We just need to remember that slow and steady is the way to go.

I have truly appreciated your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I know God’s in control and He’ll see her through!