Posted in Personal Stories

Mes Beth Ets Pray/God’s Beautiful Children

So blessed to have my children taught by Miss Beth. She truly pours into them (all of us) and finds teachable moments all day long! I can’t wait to watch all my babies grow deeper in the the Lord! Here is a recent blog by Miss Beth….

Mes Beth Ets Pray/ God’s Beautiful Creation

Posted on March 13, 2012 by coachin4christ

Mes Beth ets pray. It just melts my heart when I hear the kids ask me to pray or say lets pray Miss Beth. Today as we were having lunch with our group from Texas Tech…Jody had one the group members read the comments from the Mole blog that was to them. One of the young girls had a comment from a family member as encouragement. It really touched her heart as tears streamed from her eyes. Asher was sitting next to me as we ate and the girl sat across from us. He watched her face and you should have seen his expression, because it was priceless. He looked as if he was going to cry with her. There was such a beautiful look of concern on this precious face. About 5 minutes later he put his hand on my leg and said in a quiet voice, “Mes Beth ets pray”. How do you not stop and pray? I said Amen and he repeated “Amen”. About 5 more minutes later the group stood up to pray over their speakers that would be speaking durning our youth conference today. I bowed my head and began to pray with them and Asher puts his face under mine and says “pray”. I placed my hands on him and began to pray over him as the group prayed over these other young people. I whispered over him as he listened to me pray and he just continued to sit there in posture of prayer. I said amen and he repeated “Amen”. This past week he has continually asked me to pray. He would sit down to eat and throughout our time of eating we must have stopped to pray 4 or 5 times. Oh what the Lord is doing in and thru this little boy who will be 3 in June.

This past week we were blessed with our first group of children to raise in the orphanage that the Lord is building brick by brick and house by house. This has been a very slow process, but I believe and know that God’s timing is perfect and He was and continues to raise up and prepare hearts and lives as pieces of this puzzle He is creating. It isn’t one of those puzzles that you can sit down and put together in one sitting. It is one that takes a lot of time and thought and there are so many pieces that we continually have to seek the Father as to where the next piece needs to fit. It has been both challenging and exciting…not to mention the times of joy, heartbreak and exhaustion. It has certainly been an exilerating rollercoaster ride and as it is with God….the ride never stops.

To see the Castillo children with these precious new ones is so fun to watch and as most of you know me…Oh the teachable moments I have seen already. We talked yesterday in class about their part in the mission and the opportunities God has given them to pour into these beautiful blessings from God the Frutis of the Spirit…and they named each one. I reminded them the same Fruit you pour into these little ones starts with pouring into one another. The conversation that enveloped was beautiful as we spoke of dreams and prayer and forgiveness. It continued this morning as we spoke more and forgiveness was asked to one another of wrongs committed. It was all I could do to not cry and believe it or not I didn’t. I prayed with the kids and we began our time of class work.

Gabe was working on a dot-to dot picture of a house and he leans over to me and says…”Miss Beth I think this needs some color. God created many colors.” The girls and I looked at each other and just smiled so very big. He sat and made his home full of many colors. What a beautiful creation.

Just as Gabe knew today that God created so many colors…God is taking us…His painting; His masterpiece and creating us to be more like Him. Full of many colors. He is pouring into us more kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, patience, peace, joy, love, goodness and self-control. Every brush stroke He takes is a splash of color that makes us more beautiful. When the brush is placed in the wrong hands, though, sometimes the colors created when combined aren’t diplayed beautifully, but when we surrender to the Master Creator…the Lord Jesus Christ…He takes what has been displayed and creates a new painting. A painting full of the Light of His Love. God’s Word tells us that He creates beauty from the ashes. I love this…it means He can take someone like me…a sinner…and create in me a clean heart…something beautiful. It means He can take you…a sinner…and create in you a clean heart….A MASTERPIECE. The awesome thing is He takes you as you are…paintbrushes and all…throws those away…and one colorful brushstroke at a time makes you beautiful. Will you give Him your paintbrushes?

I look forward to seeing these children learn and grow in the Lord. To see what the Master Artist…Jesus Christ…will do in and thru them. As we walk this road….please pray for wisdom and discernment in decisions we make. Please pray for our staff here and in each of our campuses that we will be unified in One Spirit, The Spirit of Jesus Christ. Make us one, Lord.