Posted in Mission Stories

Today I Cried Twice……

Today was my first Sunday back in Haiti since I was sick back in July. I was asked to come up front where the choir sang a song for me. It was beautiful – it talked about even if the ocean is wild – if God tells it to stop – then it will stop. He’s always in control. 

I was a little teary-eyed from hearing this song that was sung on my behalf. I told the people how much I appreciated their prayers. I know God hears their prayers and I know that no one can pray like they do. I thanked them for my beautiful welcome back home.

My mind kept drifting back to what I watched last night and I couldn’t hold back the tears. I shared with the church what I saw on YouTube. I told them how their brothers and sisters are suffering in Gonaives right now and I saw the tears stream down their face. I explained to them that when I first watched the videos of the little babies who are no longer with us – who are covered in mud and the flies are already attacking their remains – I felt sick to my stomach. How quickly the water came. I imagined that they were just sitting on their mother’s lap – and how swift the water must have been as the child was yanked out their mother’s arms and down the river.  So I cried for Haiti and for the families who are now left orphaned. 

But I told them when I saw the bodies of adults – I cried again. I cried this time because how many of them knew God? How many of them in their last moments knew they were heading to a better place – a place that we can’t even describe – a place of majestic beauty and no more physical sufferings?

When I talked to Danielle about her scary night in the Bay – she said at one point she just told God – He was in control and she had peace with whatever happened. BUT WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW CHRIST? What did they feel in their final moments?

I told the church that I was fine one day and the next day I thought I needed brain surgery. That one day the people were sitting on their porches and the next day their porches were consumed by water. We never know when our moments will be our last. Who’s to say that another hurricane won’t hit us before the end of the month and take us all?

So if I could tell them anything – if I could give any advice – if I could beg them to do one thing……it’s to be ready. Whatever it is in their life that they’re fighting – -if there is a reason holding them back from having a closer relationship with Christ – to fix it – – – to be ready so that we will only cry for them once.

So many people right now would probably turn to voodoo and feel like God left them. I thanked the church for teaching my family – how to praise God even when it hurts. How to praise God even when they’re hungry. How to praise God even when their homes are destroyed. Here they are at church giving their whole heart to worship when they don’t know if they’ll have their daily bread today- what a testimony.

The people here – missionaries included – they teach my family so much. I told the church that I pray that I can love God as much as they do – and give glory even when the struggles are too much.

Still feeling emotional  – the reality of the hurricane crisis sinking in – I invited everyone in church today over to the mission. We gave each family a bag of food in hopes that we could bring encouragement and perhaps be a blessing for them since they continue to remain so faithful.

Here are some pictures from our first food give away:

We asked them to come sit where the clinic patients sit so we could control the situation easier. Everyone was so happy – I think I must have kissed 100 people!

Then we began to pass out the food. They each took a bag on their way outside the gate. They were all so grateful – most of them ended up kissing me again!


Tomorrow we will begin a lunch meal for all the employees (they still don’t know that yet) and then a truck is headed to Chansolme at 6am to bring relief there. The Jumps, Courtney,Vickie, and Matt spent a good part of yesterday bundling up care packets of clothes, shoes, baby items, etc. Basically – whatever we could find. We will start cooking the meals in Chansolme tomorrow. There are 50 adults and 100 children at that specific feeding station. Tuesday we will begin a feeding station at Three Rivers. On Wednesday, Janeil should be here and hopefully the river will be down enough that we can head out west to start relief programs there. 

There is so much this mission is going to do to help so many – but – my heart continues to feel heavy. There are so many lost souls who we no longer can reach…….we have saved so many but you and I both know Jesus longs to find the lost sheep……

So for today……… I cry twice…..