Posted in Personal Stories

Four Girls, One Boy, and a Little Baby……

I know that this is random how I post – I go from something serious to something silly all in one day but that’s just really how my life is. It goes from horrible headaches and stressful situations to laughing so hard we cry. We are at my sister’s house in Ohio this weekend. It’s been a little crazy. We brought Janeil and Heather’s daughter NeNe with us this weekend so she could spend time with her cousins before we head back to Haiti. So we’ve got 4 girls, one baby, and then Lori’s son DJ. 

For any of you who were in Haiti this past December – I’m sure you remember little DJ – my nephew. He’s certainly quite the character. When the girls watched Cheetah Girls on Disney Channel yesterday they all picked out who they wanted to be in the movie and then danced. Dj yells out – Can I be Harry Potter? LOL! Sure you can –  Kind of not what we’re talking about right now – but sure. 

So we flipped through the channels tonight and the movie Grease was on.  They were all dancing and we couldn’t help but bring out the video camera! Even little Gabriel was bouncing around! 

Actually….maybe this is why I have a headache today!! LOL!

For Your Entertainment…………..

Posted in Personal Stories

I Think God Just Yelled At Me

It was 4am and I found myself curled up in my bed, rocking myself back and forth, crying with the worst headache and arm pain. I don’t understand – it’s been nearly 8 days since I’ve had any major problems. 

I think for the first time ever – I heard God “yell” at me. I have a friend I met this summer who tells me that God talks to her and I thought that was strange. She has this beautiful relationship with Him and it’s different than anything I’ve ever known.

I found myself overwhelmed last night – we’re heading back to Haiti September 10th and there is still no more than a few hours of power at the mission. How can I do all the work I need to do on 3 hours of power?  How are we going to be able to bring in coolers of meat without any power? How are the programs going to continue to make it with such little power? My house is over-ran by roaches. Even if we did have power – would I even want to live in it?

We have to buy Christmas right now if we’re going to ship it over to make it in December. We don’t just have our five kids but we personally provide Christmas for over a dozen families. We need new cabinets for our kitchen to put on the boat. This medical emergency set us back a few thousand and my anxiety level increases as our account is going further in the hole. 

There is a baby in Haiti that needs a medical visa and I’m trying to help Courtney Pierce get it and it’s stressful because I now am beginning to feel the burden that she has for her. It would break my heart if she died because we couldn’t get her help. Gigi is sleeping in HWR and we’ve never had her not in our home or with us since we took her nearly 6 years ago. We’ve got so many crates to still pack for the boat and we leave in 10 days. What if I fail at this job I’m doing now? What if I prove to be a major disappointment? What if I get back to Haiti and my health never really returns? What if I can’t ever go a year without an emergency? My cat just died (i don’t have a cat). Courtney won’t quit emailing me 100 times a day (Just kidding). My girls don’t like to wear the same outfits anymore so they match (no, not really). I’m back in Ohio surrounded by crazy people (that is actually kind of true). But you see the rippling effect of just one thing after another. 


I don’t think I’ve ever in my life felt God talk to me like this until today. I was already crying from pain but the tears that strolled down my face right then were not from pain. Is God talking to me? It actually felt more like He was yelling at me and it kind of scared me. I went to one of my previous blogs where Curt sings Matthew 11 – My yoke is easy and my burden’s light and the tears flowed down my cheeks again. On Sunday when I was in Cayuga, Indiana for church- the scripture used for communion was Matthew 11. I had never even heard of it before this summer and I’ve heard it over and over randomly at least 6 times since then. It’s like God keeps giving me this verse and I refuse to listen to it. 

I DON’T EVEN like to be around myself for 12 hours a day – and yet I feel like God just told me I’ve been chained to myself and He wants to set me free. I feel like He just shook me and yelled – STOP IT. 

I don’t know why I’m sharing this personal experience with you except I feel like He wanted me to. I don’t know if it’s to help someone else where they are right now or if He needed me to put it out there so people can help hold me accountable. All I know is after this talk with my God which lasted from the time I woke up crying in pain at 4am  until about 6am when I was still crying but for different reasons  – my headache and my arm pain went away and I peacefully drifted back to sleep. 

Even though it seems easier to just hold onto whatever stress I carry  or perhaps whatever stress you carry- I know He is yearning to take it – we just have to let go.

Posted in Personal Stories

I’m a Grandma!

Now it seems unlikely that at 28 years old I could actually be a grandmother – but sadly – it’s probably not that unlikely anymore. When I was 9 years old I used to play with the children in the nutritional center. That’s actually how I learned Creole. I still speak it like a little kid! LOL! 

A lady there named Selida weighed 70lbs when she gave birth to a one pound little girl named Naomie. We didn’t have a birthing center then. If I’m not mistaken I think Miss Pat actually helped deliver her. I immediately fell in love with her. Too small to take a bottle – I fed her a few drops of formula through an eye dropper every 15 minutes. Many people thought she would die because she was just too small. She’s actually part of the reason I decided to become a nurse – so that I could change the lives of little babies just like her.  

While we didn’t live in Haiti at the time, every trip I was there (about 8 times a year) I took care of this little girl. I would send for her every time my feet hit the island and then be her full time care-taker until I had to leave. 

When I was 10 years old – we didn’t have electricity or most of the things the mission has. We all slept outside under the stars and when it rained – we ran for cover. I’m not sure we even had any dorms back then. It was more like – this wing was for girls and this wing was for boys and everyone brought tents or slept outside. There were no indoor places to really sleep. I kept Naomie in a cardboard box because there were no rails along the roof. I remember having her in that little box and my dad walking to his bed – kicked it across the roof. That little head just POPPED up like a little snake. 

We grew up together – just 9 years difference but I always took care of her like she was my little baby – spoiling her rotten and doing my best to take care of her family. She lived with us for a few years when Jose and I moved to Haiti. I was so excited……remembering what it was like when she was a little baby. But she wasn’t a baby anymore. She was a teenager! YIKES!  It’s not like I could bring her a box of Barbie dolls and pretend she was mine like she used to be. I learned quickly that teenagers aren’t a lot of fun when you’re the parent!

But one day something happened to her. She was different. She began having seizures and some random mental problems. She often talked about seeing her dead brother and sometimes she would run out into the middle of the courtyard screaming. Selida thought that Naomie had been cursed because she was living with Americans now. So she asked to take her back home.

I told her that curses can’t hurt Christians and Naomie was definitely a Christian. She was at every church function anytime the church was open and she had accepted Christ a long time ago. She took her back anyways and her illness seemed to calm down some but Naomie has never been the same. 

I’m sad that I’m not in Haiti right now – as she is now married and delivered a beautiful baby boy yesterday! She didn’t make it up to the mission in time and delivered him on the road. That always makes me nervous because Rosie was born on the road and her umbilical cord got infected with the dirt and she got Tetanus. But they all tell me that she’s healthy and so is the little boy. I asked if they had named him yet and Momma Gigi told me they were waiting for me. 

Maureen just sent me some pictures! He’s cute – looks kind of white! He may actually be lighter than when Gabriel was born! But today I present to you my new little grandson………

Posted in Personal Stories, Top 10 List

Top 10 Reasons People Should Think Before They Speak……

I’ve gotten a lot of emails requesting I come up with another top 10 list. As everyday life unfolds – I began to start a few Top 10 Lists and have just been waiting for things to happen so I can write them down. Today – I finally got my 10th item and am able to post 🙂

One of my favorite movies is Forrest Gump. From time to time I quote a few things from it but my favorite quote is STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. Now I have to admit that a lot of these came from a little place in Ohio. Let’s just say a little town where 100% of the population is white and 50% live in trailers and 70% don’t have more than 4 teeth! (Or at least all the ones that seem to want to talk to me!)

I simply stand amazed – sometimes shocked even – of the things that people say………’ll see what I mean!



10) An email is sent – “I need help – I can’t get my email to work”. (Hmm…. you can’t get your email to work and you let it be known by email………hmm.)

9)We’re standing in front of a group of people who ask us about Haiti. I explain to them that we are missionaries there. One of the guys tells me he knows all about Haiti and proceeds to give facts that aren’t really true. His arrogance is rather annoying as he starts to dominate the conversation and say that we need to help people here and not in other countries. I ask him if he’s actually ever been there before. He says…………………”I took the bus once THROUGH there while traveling in Mexico. I really didn’t think the conditions were all that bad”.  (Hmm…..okay -someone get me a map!)

8)Malaya is upset because we don’t have any hand sanitizer and I swear she’s OCD and has to wash her hands 10 times a day. We’re at the Kentucky State Fair and standing in line and she says, “Momma – i have to wash my hands before I eat”. I tell her she’ll be okay and the lady behind me chimes in……………..Yeah I never wash my hands before I eat. (hmm….okay that’s gross!)

7) Mikela, Rosie, and Malaya are all dressed the same. Malaya is very white and the other two are very black! We are walking around at the Ohio State Fair and someone stops and stares. Then they ask…………….are they triplets? (Yes – Identical and I had them by c-section!)

6)A lady stops us and asks if we adopted those children and where they’re from. We begin to explain their stories. They conclude the conversation by saying……………….”That’s really great. We’ve been thinking about getting us some “ni**er” babies too. Can we adopt “those kind” from your place?” (I’m not sure what it is about little towns in Ohio and uneducated people – but “those kind” of people should never be allowed to have kids!)

5)We leave our kids with a 16 year-old who is a part of my sister’s church. I told her that they can be a handful and don’t be afraid to discipline them! She tells me she has a lot of experience and then proceeds to tell me…………………. “I think that if you just look into their eyes – they’ll know how you feel – and the behavior will just stop”. (Yeah, why didn’t I think of that? Go ahead and try that with Rosie! Let’s see where that takes you!)

4) While at the Kentucky State Fair I ask the guy who’s running a game, “What if I just give you 20.00 – would you let me buy that big stuff dog?” I told him I couldn’t win if I played – those games are tricky. He tells me that he never thought he could own this beautiful fair game but here he is – living out his dream!!! He sees our mission shirt and tries to make a power-move! He tells me that he believes that I can win it – he has “FAITH” and that the Book says, “You should teach your kids to have self-confidence by setting the example. So show your son that you can do it like God wants you to do.” I tell him that’s great – and ask him what book can that be found in (meaning Matthew, Mark, Luke). He tells me………………….. “Ma’am, I believe that book is the Bible – I really practice Wicka but it’s all basically the same thing.” (Okay – Now I’m scared!)

3) I just finished explaining about our children and how we left Gigi (our special-needs child) in Haiti because her passport wasn’t ready. The lady looks at me and then says………………….I think that’s really great what you do. We don’t see a lot of “retarded” children around here. I would have liked to have “seen” her. (I guess I should put her in the circus and charge admission!)

2)I just finished explaining all the girls’ stories – how they came into our life. I laugh and say – I’ve got 5 kids and four of them have different fathers!! They look at me and quietly ask……………Was that before you were a Christian? (Yes -of course – I used to have a reputation!)

1)One of the girls on the trip is talking to a baby orphanage worker. I see she is struggling as this is her second trip and the baby orphanage worker looks confused. I ask her if I can help translate and she looks at me and says harshly – “No, I don’t need your help –  I speak Creole”. Then she turns back to the worker and very slowly and yet loudly says…………..Let-a Me-a Know-a When-a Rose-a Wakes-a Up-a! (You’re right – you don’t need my help because adding “a” at the end of the word makes it Creole! No matter how loud and slow you speak – stupid doesn’t translate!) **Sorry that was harsh but she did refuse my help! Let me just apologize right now for that. Please continue to sponsor my family! 🙂

Posted in Mission Stories

Tropical Storm Update

I just talked to Matt today at the compound. He said that everything is just fine. I know that the south – Port-au-Prince area had some deaths and lots of rain and wend. By the time it went through the mountains the northwest part of our area got about 4 inches of rain but that’s about it. God has protected our area from the storm – no doubt due to all the prayers. Please continue to pray for the southern region of Haiti as they were the most effected.

Posted in Mission Stories

Tropical Storm/Hurricane

Jacques is in PAP looking for Roach foggers and clearing a shipping container. He told me that all the airlines are shut down and that the radio told everyone NOT to go out of their homes today. They said there is 90 mph wend. It’s mainly south right now. This will go through the island and arrive North where we live. HOWEVER – normally the mountains break up the storm and we tend to only feel rain. We actually could use some rain up north – but there is a fine line between needing it and getting too much. So while I would love prayers for my bug infested home – more importantly – for the country of Haiti as they experience the storm. I talked to the compound today and so far they don’t feel the effects of the storm. Everyone is safe and operating like normal – minus power –  since the generator isn’t fixed yet. So almost normal!

Posted in Personal Stories

Just Burn It Down

Those are the thoughts and feelings I have right now as I just got off the phone with Momma Gigi. She had called to find out how I was doing. However – I could tell in her voice that she had some bad news to give me. I told her just to say it – what’s wrong? She got really quiet. 

I immediately asked her if Gigi was okay and if her family was okay. I thought perhaps someone had died. She laughed and said no one has died. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she was afraid I would come back home and be very disappointed in her. 

She said that there is still no power for a good portion of the day. They use a small generator to pump water. She has tried her best but she said when you sit down at the dinning room table – the bamboo chairs – they’ve been overrun by those little Roaches! She said even our living room furniture which is also wood with cushions – she said they’ve made their way there too. We’re not talking about a little roach problem with a dozen or so roaches. We’re talking about hundreds of tiny little gray ones. 

Jose and I are anxious to get back into Haiti and yet with news like that – no power and house full of bugs – it takes away a little of the joy in thinking of returning home. Gigi is still sleeping in Heaven’s Waiting Room at night because of the heat – and it just breaks our heart that we can’t be there right now.

I told Momma Gigi – we should just burn down the house! She told me that she took all the furniture upstairs on our roof in the sun and we continue to go through a can of bagon a day! 

I know this sounds crazy – but I’m asking for prayers for our home! With the last few stressful weeks – I just don’t want to think about coming home to that. We’ve got Jacques looking for foggers in Port-au-Prince but seriously – maybe we should just burn it down!

Posted in Personal Stories

Insurance Companies are the DEVIL!

Now it’s true. It’s 4am and past history should tell me it’s never good to blog when I really should be sleeping. However – I feel a little compelled to write as I’ve received yet again a beautiful email about how if I had insurance then I wouldn’t have all these bills.

Now when I say that Insurance companies are the devil…..I’m not telling them to “go to” the place where the Devil reigns. I’m thinking it. NO – I’m not even thinking it. Because that would be a sin. It would be a sin right? Yeah – it’s a sin. SO – I”m just saying that I think when Jesus comes – he might not take them to Heaven!

I feel like this post might override the joyous post about picking a shirt color. So please make sure you read that one too since I posted these within hours apart.

I feel a little bit like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Don’t act like you haven’t seen it. You know the scene where Julia goes shopping on Rodeo Drive in Bevery Hills….you know where she goes into a nice store and they look at her in disgust and tell her there’s nothing in this store for her? Then she goes into the hotel and the manager looks at her and says – You need to dress better. Then she starts crying and says – “That’s what I tried to do. I have all this money and no one will help me”.

Okay – for those of you who haven’t seen that movie – if you’re read the blog – Rosie, Rosie, Rosie – then it’s a little like that. Rosie is so high maintenance that she gets kicked out of VBS. Even though the church is collecting offering – they don’t even want Rosie’s quarters.

Now keeping that in mind – let me tell you about our situation…..

I’ve applied to several of the well known insurance companies – Blue Cross, State Farm, Humana, United, etc. I’ve had people tell me – don’t go to those big companies – try my health insurance company. So we did. Now not every rejection letter is written the same but they basically tell me to get out of their store and keep my quarters!

Something about my health history is just a real turn off. I mean I don’t get it. So maybe I’m a little overweight. Big deal – so is half of America! So maybe I had 4 blood transfusions last year. So I may or may not have diverticulitis. So maybe I threw up blood this past year and contract random third world illnesses. So I may or may not have had a stroke this past month. So maybe I will have to continue to see neurologist for migraines for the rest of my life. I mean big deal right? So I live in a foreign country and have had malaria 5 times and one of my kids had typhoid this year. So maybe I have high blood pressure from time to time because of stress. So I have arthritis and a herniated disc in my neck and am told will need surgery in the future. Who doesn’t have problems with their spinal cord? So what – when I was pregnant I almost died during childbirth. So maybe I was in the hospital a week before I had Gabriel and days afterwards due to complications!  So what – all the ER doctors in Miami know me by name now! I mean give me a break already? Who doesn’t have that kind of history and more? Big deal right?

Well apparently it is! You see – not that I have a lot of money but when I offer to give it to them – they tell me NO! Why not charge me 1000.00/month for insurance or something outrageous right? Apparently they don’t even want me in their system.! I don’t think they even want me in their town!! Something about being too high risk! I mean high-risk? Why would they say that? I don’t understand!

So I appreciate all the very well-meaning emails and lectures about having health insurance. I agree with you all. Just tell the insurance companies to take me off their “NO INSURE LIST” and take my quarters!!! 🙂

Posted in Mission Stories

What Color Do You Want To See?

Part of my job now with doing travel is to pick out next year‘s shirt color. Everyone has a different style – so it’s hard to pick a color that everyone will like. I want to hear your opinions. 

What Color shirt?

What Color do you want the writing In? 

Now Janeil and I were pretty proud of the neon green shirt with pink writing – looked like a watermelon! Apparently – we were the only ones that thought that was cool!

So if you don’t want to wear neon pink next year – let me hear your opinion! Remember – you’ll be looking at these shirts all year long when you look at the group pictures online!

Posted in Personal Stories

Friends are Friends Forever??? Not really…..

I ran into an old friend today from high school. Next month is our 10-year reunion. I haven’t talked to my high school friends in years! After we caught up about what we were each doing I asked him if he ever heard from….Let’s just say –  Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Horse, Donkey, or Chicken? 

Now Dog could have any girl he wanted. He was popular, rich, and as far as any of us knew – had everything he could ever want. My friend told me – you didn’t hear about Dog? He overdosed in his house about two years ago. Cat – he overdosed about 1 year ago. Rabbit – he was in a car wreck and died. He was under the influence. Horse – he had a brain aneurism (kind of scary) and died a few months ago. Donkey – he’s in prison for drug possession. Chicken – he’s gone too – suicide. 

WHAT?? WHAT?? WHAT?? I immediately felt the tears stroll down my face. I just couldn’t believe it. All of these overdoses – drinking – drugs – deaths. These weren’t from people that “looked like or had the appearance of”  someone who could ever have a problem with that stuff. Some of these were people that I loved – joked with – laughed with – cried with. How could this be true? 

How do you spend years and years  – over half my life – with people and then you graduate and never speak again until the reunion? How does that even happen? I mean I know everyone grows up and goes to college and the clicks from high school are no longer…..but how did I forget about so many people that I would truly call my friends? 

I was actually here during one of the funerals and never even knew. I saw the crash remains – I saw people gathered crying after it was over – and yet never knew that this was someone I was best friends with in 7th/8th grade. You think I’m funny? You should meet him. When you put us two together – we were unstoppable…..which often got us in trouble! We even got sent to the principal’s office together – several times! Luckily the principal knew I was a “good missionary girl” and we often talked our way out of any troubles. 

It just amazes me how you could spend such a good part of your life – walking the halls together, laughing together, joking together, dreaming together. fighting together – only for that to be your last memories together?

Some of these people – just like in all schools – we even were wishing we could be, wishing we had their money, their house, their life…….only to see their life couldn’t be all that we thought it was or it couldn’t have ended this way. It makes me wish that we got past all those superficial things and really knew the hurt they must have had. 

My friend and I talked for a long time – like nothing had ever changed and the 10 years we were apart meant nothing. I told him I was afraid to ask about anyone else….I don’t think I could handle it. There were a lot of beautiful stories of people who got married, have kids, have great jobs, and have all the appearances of a wonderful life.

I’m just not sure I believe in “appearances” anymore because if appearances were reality – I wouldn’t be so sad right now.